Pest problem is not always excusable! There are certain stubborn pests which do not go away so easily and create a lot of havoc. Some of the most stubborn pests are rats or rodents, roaches, spiders, flies or mosquitoes, termites and silverfish. Every place has a different kind of pest intrusion and hence requires a different pest control treatment.
Below are few reasons that will help you understand why pests enter your property:
- Unclean or Mismanaged Property
The most common reason for pest to enter any property is its poor maintenance. Pests easily enter and breed in an untidy or shabby environment. If you have not cleaned your property for a long time, expect pests to roam around freely at such a place.
- Food Leftovers
This is a very common habit of people in every house. Leaving food in plates and eating anywhere inappropriately call for common pests too casually. Food is the only item that easily attracts all sorts of stubborn pests. Few very common ones are rats, cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes. Pests really do not care about the type of food when it comes to their survival.
- Defective Drainage
Defective drainage promotes water accumulation near or in the washroom, bathroom or kitchen sinks or basins. Cockroaches commonly breed in such swampy areas. No matter how hard you try; they will keep infesting if the drainage problem is not resolved. Certain pests breed openly in marshy and wet areas.
- Crawling Spaces
Lizards, centipedes and other pests crawl easily on the walls or other surfaces if they find crawling spaces in it. Gaps such as small holes or crevices are home to such pests. A lizard finds it extremely difficult to crawl on the flat smooth wall surface than on an edgy rough wall. These gaps come with time and property ageing.
- Open Gutters
Open gutters are an easy call for rodents, cockroaches, centipedes, worms and other pests. These gutters are always swampy and emit bad odor which are enough for any pest to get attracted. Moreover, people throw food leftover in gutter which multiplies the population of pests near or around your property.
- Open Trash
Trash should never be left open. We dump most of our food leftovers in the trash which calls for pests such as rats and cockroaches. Pests can eat anything from anyplace when it comes to their survival. Always cover the trash cans with lids after dumping the waste. The odor is enough to attract several pests if your trash can is open always.
- Open Food
Most of the people have a habit of leaving fruits and few common vegetables uncovered on the dining table or the countertop. Many people also keep some junk food items open on these places. This is a clear call to few common pests who can easily sniff the open food from a distance and start surviving on it.
- Poor Landscaping
Poor landscaping means accumulation of dried grass, twigs and leaves in your garden area or outside your house. When you are not maintaining your garden or verandah, such accumulation is quite common and natural. This calls for roaches and varieties of insects.
- Cluttering
Cluttering is when you keep all your old stuff stored in the basement or the other areas of your property. Clutter is mostly of non-useful items that may never come to any use even in the future. Many rich people too have a habit of keeping clutters.
- Lack of Hygiene
Cleanliness is different to hygiene. Proper hygiene means zero pest in your house or at your property. You can take support of websites such as https://saelapest.com/ to make your place pest free and adhere to higher levels of hygiene.